Granted applications

Artificial Intelligence in Oncology - Supporting scientific research

Early detection of cancerous tumours and relapses of cancerous tumours in the head and neck by tumour-RNA bearing platelets.

(Project manager Professor E. Bloemena, VUMC, initiated 3rd quarter 2018)

Aim of the research:

  • Can RNA profiles that are present in platelets predict the return of cancer of the head and neck earlier than current (imaging) techniques?
  • Can measuring RNA profiles in leukoplakia patients detect cancer at an earlier stage?

Final research results

Oral leukoplakia (OL) is a potentially malignant disorder of the oral mucosa. On an annual basis, about 5% of people with OL develop oral cancer. Therefore, in principle, everyone with this condition is under lifelong control in a specialized oral clinic. Our research has focused on various characteristics of these leukoplakic lesions, both histopathological and genetically. Based on our research, we have been able to determine that, based on the histopathological and genetic characteristics of a lesiondifferent risk profiles can be identified, ranging from lesions that (almost) never become malignant, to lesions that have a high probability developing a malignant tumor. This can ultimately lead to a better and more efficient follow-up of people with OL. In addition, we have started a new way of testing drugs in the lab, using cell lines derived from leukoplakia lesions, in order to develop compounds that can potentially prevent the development into a malignant tumor.

Early detection of cancerous tumours and relapses of cancerous tumours
Scientific research of head and neck for early detection of cancerous tumours and relapses of cancerous tumours by tumour-RNA bearing platelets.
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Towards a model of risk assessment for the development of malignant leucoplakias
Scientific research of head and neck to create a model of risk assessment for the development of malignant leucoplakias.
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Developing a test for lab-on-a-chip screening and follow-up of rare gynecological tumours
Developing new screening tests for cervical cancer and ovarian carcinoma
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Gall bladder carcinoma, time for improvement
The aim of this research is improving the treatment of patients with gall bladder carcinoma.
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